Een initiatief van

Francois Viljoen


Hi, my name is Francois Viljoen and I grow organic grapes and blueberries for Nature & More in western South-Africa, near the town of Saron. Our farm is called Lushof and I am the Senior Table Grape Manager 

Lushof Fruit Produces Organic Table Grapes and Organic Blueberries for the Export market. My role is the oversight in the production and packing of Table Grapes.

The farm is situated close to the town of Saron, where all our labourers comes from. The farm is approximately 1,5 hours’ drive from Cape Town in a northernly direction.

Interview with Francois

N&M: Why and when did you go organic?

We felt that there was a need for organically grown fruit. It was also a good opportunity to stand out from the rest of the producers around us. The farm has now been organically certified for the past 6 years.

N&M: What do you see as the benefits of organic farming now?

Organic farming can ensure the consumer that the fruit is as nutritious and beneficial to a healthy life as possible. Non-organic fruit might be perfect to look at, but it needs to be sprayed and fertigated and that robs the fruit of some of its nutritious goodness.

N&M: What do you like most about your work?

That I get to make a difference in my laborer’s lives. I would like to think that I use farming grapes to teach farmers life skills. The farmers can then teach these life skills to their children.

N&M: Do you have any special plans for the (sustainable) future that you can tell us about?

We are looking to almost double our crop in the next few years. In the process we are taking out old varieties and planning new exciting varieties that lend themselves to the organic production process i.e., colouring well without the need for colouring growth hormones.

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