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So, do you think that consumers should be required to pay for all the hidden costs?

Showing you the real costs of food production is not the same as charging you for them. The price for organic food may be a bit higher than for conventional products because there are fewer externalized costs, but that is just a more realistic price. A well-made product warrants a good price. Ideally, the price of food at all stages of the production chain should cover all costs up to that point, including the cost of offsetting environmental and social damage. If that were the case, there would be no externalised costs that would have to be paid by society or by our children. So, even if this means food becomes more expensive, it would still be compensated by lower communal costs (and thus, taxes) and a healthier environment for future generations. Such a pricing scheme is very far away from the economic reality of today’s food market which is governed by supply and demand.

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